Wednesday 29 June 2016

Plants You Can Cultivate In Your Dubai Landscaped Garden

leading landscaping company in the UAE
Dubai isn’t exactly the best place for gardening enthusiasts. The hot and humid weather makes it quite hard for people with green thumbs to start and cultivate a garden. However, the prevailing climate shouldn’t be a hindrance if you really want to have a beautiful garden. With some expert landscaping help and know-how, you’ll still be able to an impressive garden in Dubai.

Plants To Grow In Dubai

Below are some of the most recommended plants that you can include in your landscape if you are planning to have one in Dubai. They are easy to grow, care for, and maintain.

Alyssum – This plant grows great in rock gardens. This small trailing plant comes in shades of white, pink, and mauve. They have a long flowering period and are very easy to grow from seed. 

Dieffenbacchia – This is a hardy plant that can be grown indoors and outdoors. This plant has large leaves rising from a strong upright stem. Dieffenbacchia comes in a variety of colours, examples of which are leaves that have splashes of white or yellow on a green background. This plant is drought resistant, but regular watering and feeding is advised for the best results.

Caladium – Caladium are also called “elephants’ ears”. They are distinguished by their huge, brightly coloured leaves. They usually come in three common colours: pink and green; dark red and green; or green and white. Caladium loves shade and humidity and they can grow quickly.

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Wednesday 22 June 2016

Myths About Losing Weight You Should About

Many people really struggle when it comes to losing weight and achieving the fitness level they are aiming for. And since there are also a lot of different slimming ways and fitness solutions shared through the internet, it can be really hard to determine which ones are fact and which ones are myths. Check out the following myths about losing weight below:

- A radical diet and exercise regime is more effective. This is not actually true since a successful slimming and fitness effort involves small changes one at a time so you can use it for longer periods of time.

- Carbohydrates can make you fat. This one is also not 100% true as there are a lot of carbohydrates that can even help you lose weight such as potatoes with the skins, wholemeal bread and brown rice which are rich in fibre.

- Drinking lots of water will make you slimmer. This can be a tricky one. Drinking water does not actually make you lose weight but it can a very smart move to help you cut on eating snacks or in-between meals as water will keep you hydrated.

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Fascinating Facts About Airplanes

Airplane has allowed people and their cargo to go to another place or country faster and more convenient. Imagine how travelling could have been without the invention of the airplane. It would certainly be stressful and difficult for you to go the other side of the world.

Airplane Facts You Must Know

Did you know that there are four forces of flight? These are thrust, drag, lift, and weight. These forces push the plane up, forward, down, or slow it down.

Do you know who invented and flew the first airplane? It was the Wright brothers in 1903, and they called their aircraft, the Wright Flyer. It flew about 120 feet. During its first flight, Orville Wright did not sit in the aircraft; rather, he laid flat of the lower wing in the middle of the plane.

The incidents of airplane turbulence increase when the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases too. The oxygen in emergency oxygen masks in an airplane, on the other hand, can just last for 15 minutes.

Based on Popular Mechanics, your chance of accident survival will be improved by 40% if you are sitting in an airplane’s tail. Other studies indicate that people sitting farther than 5 rows away from the exit area are less likely to be successful in exiting an airplane during an emergency. Another research also showed that the first 3 minutes after takeoff and the last 8 minutes prior to landing are when 80% of plane crashes occurs.

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Tuesday 21 June 2016

The World’s Most Expensive iPhone 6 Cases

high quality iPhone accessories
The iPhone 6 is one of the most expensive smartphones today. As such, owners of this phone go to great lengths to protect this device. And this involves getting the right iPhone 6 case.

An iPhone case serves more than just a protective case though. It can also add to its appeal and a case can be the perfect opportunity for owners to “show off a bit”.  iPhone 6 users can do this by getting customised cases.

Customised cases can be one of the most expensive smartphone accessories today. Just how expensive can some of these cases be? Read below:

Amosu iPhone 6 case - Amosu is popular for its range of bespoke smartphones. However, they can customise an iPhone 6 to be encrusted with more than 6,000 diamonds on an 18k gold shell. It is a limited edition though since the production of one case is said to take about two months. An Amosu customised iPhone 6 can cost at least $2.7 million.

Anita Mai Tan’s Dragon and Spider case – Priced at $880,000 the Dragon and Spider Case features a pendant-like design and as such, you can wear your iPhone as a pendant.  This case is encrusted with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. The Dragon case boasts of about 2,000 black diamonds while the Spider has 2, 800 of them and it is encrusted in 18k gold.

The Lux case – Brikk is well-known for its custom-made gold iPhone 6 cases. Brikk can also customise the shell of the iPhone 6 which means that no extra bulk will be added to the phone’s components. A Lux case can set you back $4,995.

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Thursday 16 June 2016

Some Of The Strangest Addictions People Have

Leading hypnotherapy clinic in Brisbane
Addictions refer to a person’s chronic and persistent behaviour that a person continues to do despite the negative consequences. The usual types of addictions are smoking, drinking, gambling, and drug abuse.

But in addition to these common addictions, there are some types that are quite unusual and even strange. And there are a lot of people from all over the world who are grappling with these eccentric addictions.

What are some of these strange addictions that people have? Read them below:

Tanning – When your body is exposed to ultraviolet rays – the ones you get under the sun or from a tanning bed – your endorphin levels are increased. This, in turn, boosts your mood. This is one of the scientific proofs supporting the fact that some people can become addicted to tanning. The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston conducted and published a study in 2005 which found out that more than 50% of beach lovers could be considered tanning addicts. Frequent tanning is considered high-risk since it can cause skin cancer.

Cosmetic surgery - Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is usually the root of the desire to have repeated cosmetic surgery. This can lead a person to have multiple plastic surgery procedures, despite health or financial risk. BDD is an illness which is characterized by obsessively thinking about one’s physical appearance, flaws in one's physique, and numerous attempts to fix the flaws, whether they're real or not.

Eating dirt – Excessive craving for and eating soil or other types of earthy materials including wood, coal, and chalk is called geophagia. This condition may be caused by nutritional deficiencies of iron or zinc, because of dieting, food deprivation or malnutrition. However, geophagia may also be symptoms of developmental disabilities or mental illnesses such as obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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Tuesday 7 June 2016

Fascinating Facts About Promotion

Promotion is the way on how businesses make their products known to the customers. Its main aim is to make sure that customers are always updated about the existence and positioning of products. It is used to persuade customers to choose their products instead of choosing the ones offered by their competitors.

Promotion is not just about advertising. Rather, there are various approaches businesses take in order to get their message across to customers. One method of promotion is not enough. The use of different promotional methods is called the promotional mix.

Factors To Consider When Choosing The Best Promotional Methods

  • Product’s nature
  • Competition
  • The stage in the life cycle
  • Target market
  • Marketing strategy or technique
  • Budget

Main Promotional Methods

  • Personal Selling
  • Advertising
  • Direct Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Sales Promotion

Main Types Of Promotional Methods

Above the line promotion – This refers to advertising in the independent media like TV or newspaper ads. Although this can be targeted, it can be seen by people outside the target audience. The main method of this type is advertising.

Below the line promotion – This refers to different promotional activities wherein the business will have direct control. These include money off coupons and direct mailing. It is directly aimed at the target audience.

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How Does A Motorcycle Oil Cooler Work

If you own a motorcycle, you would definitely know that taking care of its engine is very important. And one way to take care of your motorcycle engine is ensuring it does not overheat. Although motorcycles have their own built-in fan, you cannot really rely on it to work every time it is needed because most of the time, it will only work when the engine’s temperature reaches 220 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, investing in a motorcycle oil cooler is an advantage.

A motorcycle oil cooler works almost the same as your motorcycle engine fan, however, it is way more advanced and functional. Once your motorcycle fan stops working, which usually happens when your engine’s temperature is lowered to 190 degrees, the oil cooler continues to function to make sure that your engine will have a stable temperature.

This motorcycle oil cooler is not noisy at all as some would naturally expect. The air from the oil cooler moves under the bike so the rider will not really feel the blast of air when it is activated. It has a LED indicator which will serve as a sign that the cooler is functioning.

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Sunday 5 June 2016

Top Reasons Why People Move To Australia

Australia is considered as one of the top choices for people who want to live in another country. There are a lot of reasons why people just love to move to Australia aside from its fresh air, temperate climate and undisturbed nature. Check out the top reasons why people opt to move to Australia.

- Low population density. With a density of 6.4 people per square mile, Australia is the perfect place to start a new life.

- Multicultural society. In Australia, you will find that 43% of Australians are not really born in the area. People living there are either born overseas or with parents who are born overseas. And because of this, Australia celebrates Harmony Day every 21st of March.

- Efficient healthcare system. Australia provides Medicare to its people that covers basic health for all.

- Job opportunities. When it comes to building your career, Australia also offers great job opportunities that perfect a work-life balance. Australia also has a really strong economy.

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Thursday 2 June 2016

The Usual Causes Of Tooth Loss In Adults

leading aesthetic and cosmetic dental clinic in Dubai
Kids and their parents are usually excited when children start losing their teeth. Tooth loss in kids signifies the fact that their permanent teeth will soon come out. As such, it is important that kids start paying more attention to and following good dental hygiene practices. And their parents should be supporting them every step of the way as well.

Once you’re an adult, losing even just one tooth though can make you really feel bad. After all, when you lose a tooth, nothing new will come out naturally to replace it.

But what exactly are the common causes of tooth loss in adults? These include the following:

Periodontal disease - Periodontal disease affects your gums, the ligaments, and bone that surround and support your teeth. As such, it is one of the most common causes for loose and shifting teeth. When tartar and dental plaque forms on the teeth and gums, the gums can develop periodontal pockets that form around the tooth or teeth which allows more bacteria and toxins to form deep within the pocket. This leads to the loss of bone and connective tissues that secure your teeth in place.

Mouth trauma – When extreme force is placed on the teeth, the periodontal ligament and connective tissue that hold your teeth in their sockets can become stretched. This can lead to tooth loss. Mouth traumas are usually the result of a fall, getting punched or any accident that damage the ligaments and the bone around the tooth

Osteoporosis - Once the density of the bone around the teeth lessens, teeth can become loose. People suffering from osteoporosis are more likely to experience tooth loss than individuals without this disease.

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Wednesday 1 June 2016

Lead Generation Facts

Lead is a person indicating interest in the products or services offered by a company. Instead of obtaining random cold calls from someone who bought your contact information, you would hear from an organization or business you have had opened communication with.

Lead generation, on the other hand, is the process of enticing and converting strangers and prospects into those leads. This is a way of warming up possible customers to your business and getting them to buy your offered products and services eventually.

The Importance Of Lead Generation

If you show an organic interest in your business, your prospects or strangers will be the ones to initiate the relationship with you. This will make it a lot easier and more natural for them to purchase from you.

Lead is often generated through information collection. The information gathered may come as a result of a job seeker showing interest in the vacant position, a person filling out a form to download a piece of content, or a shopper sharing his or her contact information in exchange of a discount or coupon.

Components Of The Lead Generation Process

  1. Landing Page – This is the web page where a visitor may land on for a certain purpose.
  2. Forms – These consists of a series of fields to connect information in exchange for an offer.
  3. Offer – This is something of value which is being offered on the landing page. It must have enough value so visitors will provide their personal information.
  4. Call-to-Action or CTA – This is a button, an image, or message calling web visitors to take action. When it comes to lead generation, this is to fill out the form provided on the landing page so they can redeem the offer.

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What You Need To Know About A Safe Box

Many people nowadays already have their own safe boxes at home. A safe box or usually called a security safe is a secured container where you can put all your important belongings such as expensive jewelry, important documents and money. Most people, especially those of high society, usually have their safe box installed inside their bed rooms.  However, there are also safe boxes that do not have to be mounted or installed on the wall.

A safe box is made of high quality material that can withstand different extreme weather conditions such as fire and flood. These boxes are also built securely to be safe from theft, tampering and other perils. A safe box has a code or a special key that must be kept secured by the owner in order to ensure there will be no other people that can open it. Codes may vary depending on the type of safe box one has. Some safe boxes have numeric codes while others have alphanumeric codes.

In cases when the owner forgets the code, there is also a special key that can be used to open the box and reset the code.

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Some Of The Longest Concerts In The World

leading event presenter in Dubai
Concerts usually last for just 2 to 4 hours. The duration depends greatly on the number of guest performers or opening acts. And in this span of time, the main act or artist would only take an hour or so to perform.

There are, however, a number of artists who performed longer than usual. As a result, their concerts are considered some of the longest in the world.

Below are some of the longest concerts or gigs listed in history:

1. The Live Aid concert.
On July 13, 1985, 75 acts played for 16 hours. This concert was linked by satellite between Wembley and Los Angeles and was shown live worldwide. This charity event raised millions to help feed the starving children in Africa. Performers included Madonna, Elton John, Sting, U2, The Beach Boys, The Who, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Duran Duran, and Eric Clapton.

2. The Grateful Dead at the Winterland Ballroom. The Winterland Ballroom, located in San Francisco, was one of the favorite venues of the Grateful Dead. It is said that the band played a number of six-hour shows here. During one concert, the band played one set that may have surpassed the six hour mark (36 songs) and this happened on the New Year’s Eve show of 1978 that rolled well into New Year’s Day of 1979.

3. Chilly Gonzales. Who says that only bands can have all the time in the world? Not Chilly Gonzales.  The self-proclaimed “Entertainist” played the piano in Ciné 13 Théâtre, Paris between May 16th and 18th 2009 for 27 hours, three minutes and 44 seconds, breaking world record for a the longest solo concert.

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