Tuesday 5 January 2016

Some Famous Math Geniuses

For many people, math is really a complicated subject in school. It is seldom loved by many. In fact, some students really choose a college course without math in its curriculum. However, there are also a few people who just love the fun, excitement and thrill that math brings. Check out some of the famous math geniuses below:

- Archimedes. Archimedes was born around 287 B.C. He’s a very famous mathematician who discovered buoyancy.

- Charles Babbage. He was born in 1791 and became famous because of his inventions namely; Difference Engine and Analytical Engine. He’s also considered as the “Father of Computing”.

- Albert Einstein. Probably the most famous mathematician of all time, Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. He even won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

- Sir Isaac Newton. Born in England in 1643, Newton is called the greatest physicist. He’s the man behind the mathematical laws of gravity and invented calculus.

Trivia Info Resource: mathnasium.ae

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